Sophia Girls Secondary School 01482-294455
Christian Minority Institution Under Art. 30 in the Indian Constitution.
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Seminar by Fr. Anand IMS

Seminars are conducted in the school, for the students from time to time to give them the right directions in life. The basic aim of our school is the integral personality formation of the young. With the same motto, a three days seminar was conducted for the students of class IX by Rev. Fr. Anand IMS from Varanasi to create an environment which will instill among the students, the feeling of love, compassion, joy, peace, brotherhood and strength of character. Not only this, he tried to inculcate in them moral values needed for a life that is socially meaningful today. The seminar was made exciting and interesting for the students through various activities, exercises, role play and P.P.T.                                        

 Mrs.  Shelry Sebastian