Sophia Girls Secondary School 01482-294455
Christian Minority Institution Under Art. 30 in the Indian Constitution.
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Principal’s Message on Independence Day

The Dawn of 15th August 1947 shone with pride,

When amidst  dark shadows, the glorious light

Of the Indian National Flag gleamed bright.

In all its Magnificent Glory the Triumphant Tricolor, echoed proudly telling all Indians,

“I’m the Heaven of Freedom”

On this auspicious day my patriotic sentiments are embedded in the nutshell of these precious words “Heaven of Freedom”

Respected Parents and Students,

We very well know, Freedom was not a free gift to us. The architects of out freedom – Mahatma Gandhi, Subhash Chandra Bose, Bhagat Singh , Jawaharlal Nehru together held aloft the torch of Swaraj, Ahimsa, sacrifice, Brotherhood despite undying struggles and bloodshed. Freedom was not a far dream to them because these values crowned their oneness in the freedom battle.

Every Independence Day we celebrate this oneness which is born out of one blood. Each time we hoist the National flag we salute this one blood – our identity ‘ Indian‘.

Our Motherland is a castle to people of varied race. We exercise our freedom in many ways. Freedom to think, act and speak may surmount any peak but not the peak of love. True freedom is bound by love and respect for others. Therefore, Love is not only a challenge but also a highway to Heaven of freedom.

In every age, the Ashoka Chakra is a revelation that as citizens we March towards this one great realisation ‘Heaven of Freedom’.

Freedom without love has led to – slavery, hatred, discrimination, violence, poverty, selfishness, falsehood, etc.

On this 78th Independence day let our freedom be rooted in love.

Let the fire of our martyr’s zeal seal our hearts with compassion,

The purity of our souls make us instruments of peace,

And the prosperity of our land  bring us joy.

Wish you all ‘Happy Independence Day